Concordia Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience



Issue Cover



CJPN is more than a periodical. We are an outlet for Psychology students at Concordia to transfer knowledge and grow their understanding of the publication process. Follow our news updates for the latest information about our team, our authors, and our sponsors!

Announcing Our 2023 Winners!

We are happy to announce the top 3 submissions of our 2023 submission cycle! Congrats to Emma Felice (1st place), Randa El Chami (2nd place), and Alexandra Dagher (3rd place)Check out their articles in Issue 2 of CJPN

Announcing Our 2022 Winners!

The results are in! The authors of the top 3 submissions of our 2022 submission cycle are: 1) Sarah Williams, 2) Carolina Jobet Monett, & 3) Julia Mignelli. Congratulations! Check out their articles in Issue 2 of CJPN

Call for Editors and Reviewers

CJPN is looking for Editors and Reviewers for the 2023 submission cycle! Be a part of our team and help evaluate and improve our submissions. If you're interested in either position send us an email to check availability.

Second Round of Submissions

Submission deadline: June 14th 2021 at 11:59PM

Interested in improving your CV? Looking to get your research published, but it's not quite ready for a high impact journal? CJPN is looking for a few more submissions for our 2021 Edition. Our submission portal is open! We are currently looking for empirical articles and reviews. If you're thinking about submitting, shoot us an email!

Designing CJPN: The Process

Bringing the Journal to Light

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome." — William James

After completing their honours theses, Concordia students Jillian and Ryan had too much time on their hands. A casual conversation about publication opportunities naturally progressed into an idea that proved too hard to ignore. What if, they thought, Concordia had an internal Journal where students could publish their work? Further, what if that Journal helped prepare students for potential careers as academics, by providing publishing and editing opportunities? Yadda Yadda Yadda, the Journal was born! By joining forces with Concordia's Journal of Accessible Psychology (CJAP), CJPN & CJAP became Concordia's Psychology Journals. Together, we offer a plethora of opportunities to students within the Department of Psychology, from writing Op-Eds to becoming a student editor. Following our revolutionary idea (better late than never!) Concordia's Psychology Journals were able to secure funding from the Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL).

The goals of the journal are to: 1. Improve the scientific literacy of the academic community, 2. Improve student writing through the peer review process, 3. Provide students with the opportunity to peer review. If successful, it is our hope that the psychology department will be strengthened by CJPN's commitment to excellence and our desire to help students flourish.

