Circadian Clock

Gabrielle Parent-Trudeau

5 minute read

As humans, we are hardwired to seek out situations that meet our biological needs. We attribute the most time and energy to circumstances that simultaneously provide physiological and psychological satisfaction. Among these circumstances are opportunities to eat. On a daily basis, we invest a great deal of monetary resources into food, and we take pleasure in fantasizing about our next great feast. These primal instincts are under the control one of the body’s most important systems: circadian…

Juliana Herrera

6 minute read

Picture yourself in a room stripped of windows and light sources with no alarm clocks, cell phones, or television. Under complete darkness and in the absence of external cues, how would you be able to tell time? How would you know when to sleep or wake-up? Would it affect your mood? It turns out, your body would maintain rhythms of behavior and physiological processes that last around 24-hours, because of your internal circadian clocks. The word circadian comes from the Latin circa and dies,…