Zaki Alasmar

Zaki is a Second year Masters student, researching the associaitons between white matter and behaviour. He uses multimodal neuroimaging, behavioural tasks spanning cognition and sensorimotor functionining, in addition to multivariate statistical techniques to decompose behaviour onto white matter microstructure in health and disease.
Email: zaki.alasmar@mail.concordia.ca
Jamie (he/him) is a PhD Candidate in the Clinical Psychology program. He is a member of the Personality, Aging, and Health Lab under the supervision of Dr. Carsten Wrosch (CRDH). Jamie’s research focuses on distinguishing the relative effects of optimism and pessimism on well-being and physical health. In terms of clinical training, Jamie has worked at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and the Allan Memorial Institute.
Email: jamieblaurie.contact@gmail.com
Stefanie Tremblay
Stefanie is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Concordia’s Physics department, in the lab of Dr. Claudine Gauthier (Quantitative Physiology Imaging Lab). Her research interests are in leveraging multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrasts to characterize brain health, especially the fiber tracts connecting brain regions. Stefanie’s research, which is funded by CIHR, primarily focuses on developing novel multivariate approaches to analyze MRI images in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of the impact of various diseases on the brain’s white matter and its link to cognition. She is also interested in a wide subjects relating to psychology, mental health and psychiatry.
Cynthia Di Francesco
Cynthia is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program and is a member of Dr. Stack’s Infant and Child Studies Laboratory within Concordia’s Centre for Research in Human Development. Her research focuses on parental emotion socialization practices, specifically how parents respond to their child’s positive and negative emotions, and youth’s psychosocial adjustment across developmental periods in an at-risk sample.